sd cards


If you have weighing or measurement equipment that has a serial interface port
or printer port you may consider our in-line data recorders that capture data in
the background while the equipment is operating normally.

Backing Up Data
Quality Control and Recordkeeping Mandates, eg. FDA 21 CFR Part 11
Option of Eliminating Printers
Moving Data To A PC For Display And Reports weighing and measurement equipment
Uses inexpensive flash memory cards.
No licensing. "Just Plug In" approach.
Record in-line with cables, or from equipment port connectors:
equipment interface port connectors
  For RS232 Serial Cable and Ports:  Model TG
     Connect to a port or in-line with a cable.
Model TG serial data logger T-TAP25 accessory cable
T-TAP Accessory

Tap into DB25 or DB9 connector cables.  Just plug in our T-TAP device, and you're done.  Don't
worry about having to rewire connector signals, as the recorder can look at both data pins, and
doesn't need any other signals. This means it works in the background without any special
wiring into your current system.

The 2 Gigabyte capacity will allow you to record for days, weeks or even months.
You can remove the memory card or the whole recorder without bothering your measurement
system. Store any 8 bit data such as ASCII Text, graphics, fonts, photos, printer codes.|
You can also use this recorder to eliminate printers. The data stored on the card can be read to a PC folder where you may wish to process the data
further for viewing, or for spreadsheets. serial_logger.htm


  For RS232 Serial Cable and Ports:  Model RX
     Connect to a port or in-line with a cable.
Model RX serial loggerENLARGE
This unit has the same features as Model TG above except timestamp is not supported.
- Small size
- Lower price

  For Parallel Printer Cables and Ports:     Model PDX-R
  Model PDX-R recorder
For Centronics interface, example legacy Centronics or IEEE-1284 Centronics.
               This unit remains a popular product  since year 2010 
Tap into the parallel cable of a printer, or simply eliminate the printer to save paper. Collect
data for archiving, diagnosing, spreadsheets, or reprinting at a later date. The recorder can be
used to capture 8 bit print data such as ASCII Text, graphics, fonts, photos, and printer codes.
Just plug in and begin recording. No settings are used.
The 2 Gigabyte capacity will allow you to record for days, weeks, or months depending on
how dense the data is. No data conversion is performed. No software is supplied, as most generic text type data can
be reasonably viewed in wordprocessors or by the users own software. Complex print data may
be viewed using emulation converters such as Epson to .pdf, Okidata to .pdf, or PCL to .pdf


For RS232 Serial Recording:
Model TG Serial Recorder
- With T-TAP Accessory
- With 2 Gigabyte Memory Card
- With Wallmount Power Adapter

- YouTube Video demonstration

$345.00 USD

For RS232 Serial Recording:
Model RX Serial Recorder
- Dual channel records both directions half duplex.
- Same operation as Model TG except
smaller size and no timestamp feature.


- YouTube Video demonstration

$189.00 USD
For Centronics Parallel Print Cable Recording:
Model PDX-R Parallel Recorder
- Keep printing or eliminate printer
- With NUL Printer Module
- With 2 Gigabyte Memory Card
- With Wallmount Power Adapter

- YouTube Video demonstration
$465.00 USD



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New: Model TS
Model TS for Android device

Eliminate Dot Matrix Printers that print plain generic text
. Android device acts as both a display and recorder of print data. Versions available for Parallel or RS232 Serial print cables.
Android apps can allow sharing of captured text in Android
memory for network access. Also use Model TS as an RS-232 Serial Data Logger

Priced under $300 USD YouTube Demo


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                                          TEL: (905) 377-8915  EMAIL Rick Hoffman